Berkeley County ARES® is in service at the County Landfill tower site. This repeater operates on 146.610- with a tone of 123.0 in and out.
The W4BRK is an open repeater. However, it is being hosted and maintained by the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) in conjuction with the Berkeley County Emergency Preparedness Department (EPD). All users of this repeater are required to abide by FCC Part 97, with emphasis placed on etiquette. There is an expectation of courtesy, especialy when directed towards ARES and EPD personnel, since they are the personnel ensuring this repeater's continued operation. This repeater is occasionally used for ARES drills as well as being the ARES primary repeater frequency during events which affect our area. Anyone who wishes to support these efforts may join the nets, those who do not are requested to remain silent or take traffic to another frequency not in use. Operatprs who do not abide with Part 97 will be requested to not use the repeater, in writing, per Part 97 and relevant FCC rulings. Questions or concerns regarding proper use may be directed to the W4BRK trustee, Linda Selleck, at As always the repeater may be used, by anyone, for an actual, emergency situation.

Last Modified: 09-Dec-2017© Berkeley County, SC ARES®
ARES® is a registered Service Mark of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), Inc
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